در فارسى وقتى میخوایم در رابطه با کسى که مُرده با احترام صحبت کنیم میگیم: ایشون فوت کردن یا میگیم ایشون از بین ما رفت.
خوب در انگلیسى هم اصطلاحات مشابهى وجود داره.
فرض کنید دوست شما در یک حادثه بوده و اون رو به بیمارستان میرسونن بعد میرید پیش دکتر و ارش حال دوستتون رو میپرسید. دکتر با ناراحتى جواب میده:
He didn't make it.
He passes away.
که هر دو به معنى این هستن که ایشون فوت کردن.
با یک اصطلاح دریایى آشنا میشیم!
The world is your oyster!
خوب حتما میدونید oyster به معنى صدف در اینگلیسیه اما این جمله هیچ ربطى به خوراکى هاى دریایى نداره.
این جمله یعنى تو هر کارى که بخواى میتونى انجام بدى.
You can do anything you want to do.
امیدوارم همیشه به این اصطلاح اعتقاد داشته باشید!
در زبان انگلیسى احترام گذاشتن به دیگران نکته ایه که باید در صحبت کردن مورد توجه قرار بگیره.
براى مثال اگر درباره کسى صحبت میکنیم که معلولیت ذهنى یا جسمى داره میگیم:
He is mentally challenged
She is physically challenged
دقت کنید که challenge در لغت به معنى درگیرى و مشکله.
Be polite!
Little boys room or ladies room
Suppose you are in a restaurant and you want to go to the bathroom (wc) and you don't want to use the word washroom or bathroom or toilet because you think it's inappropriate.
If you are a boy you could ask where is the little boys room? and if you're a woman you could say where is the ladies room?
Shit talk!
When something is shitty it is very bad and unpleasant.
You could also use crappy or bad as synonyms.
For example;
The television I bought there was so shitty that I will never shop there again.
I'm feeling shitty today; I don't want to go out.
What makes you angry?
Do you know what cracking is?
It is bending of the fingers and other joints in the body until you hear a cracking sound coming from them.
This is one of the things that make me really angry.
So I can say "cracking gets to me", it means that it makes me angry.
Please note that we are using phrasal verbs which may have a completely different meaning than the verb itself.
Now it's your turn. What is something that gets to you?